About Us


SUNDARBAN FOUNDATION helps tiger-victim families, poor women and children in Sundarban and its suburbs. We are one of the most committed voluntary organizations of West Bengal, offering multi-faceted community development and healthcare support. Of late, we have marked a turning point in the growth and further diversification of our foundation in the area of socio-economic, health, education and self-sustained community development to ensure crucial years that are faced all around the world.
To excel as an able social welfare organization for the benefits of tiger-victim families, poor and underprivileged men, women and children in Sundarban and its suburbs. We have been helping for the benefit of the needy masses, and to ensure their quality of life. It is in need of financial, educational and other support to poor people in Sunderban and its nearby areas. Tiger-victim families still need help and support. With skill

development, education, health and financial projects our foundation is helping them through participatory action.
Our moto is to provide all scope to each underprivileged individuals in Sundarban and to self-determine their choice, as well as translate the desire of the poor masses in to a set of self-reliant and sustainable activities consistent with their survival needs, aspiration and dignity with scope to determine their choice.
The aims of SUNDARBAN FOUNDATION are to improve the quality of lives of the poorest segment of inhabitants in the Sundarban who are vulnerable and are victims of natural disasters and effects of climate change. Our primary objective is to provide health, education and financial support to the tiger-victim families, men, women and children. We also focus on helping women who are financially backward, skillful training with various skill training, education free of cost to children, medical support & good hospitality.

Our Successful Project


  • School
  • Hospital
  • Cremation Ground
  • Spinning Centre
  • Bee Keeping
  • Self Employed Program
  • Incense stick Making
  • Organic Products

To contribute financial, health and educational support to the poor, underprivileged and tiger-victim widows, women and children in Sundarban and its suburbs. To respect, and value the socio-economic and environmental aspirations of marginalized and vulnerable communities, particularly women and children, on an equality basis that promotes a sustainable, equitable, prosperous and peaceful society.

SUNDARBAN FOUNDATION endeavors to empower and improve the quality of life of the marginalized and vulnerable communities in Sundarban and its suburbs through social welfare, financial, health and education to tiger-victim widows, poor men, women and children. The foundation has been ensuring a quality life to the people of Sundarban.

Our aim is to make sustainable positive changes in the of life of the poor tiger-victim widow, underprivileged men, women and children who are subjected to extreme poverty and social discrimination. To help them develop  through appropriate skill training, education, health support, hospitality and awareness. To build Sunderban a society that gets ample opportunities to live a healthy and happy life. 

Our main objective is to enhance the capacity of rural poor widows, poor of the poorest men and children in Sundarban by way of financial, health, education and skill development support, so that they can improve their socio-economic and health condition.